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Monday, April 6, 2009

Life After the Flood

Sophia's first orange! She loved it! She's also had bananas, cantaloupe, and avocado.
This is on a hill at the top of the Frolf (frisbee-golf) course. The course is completely under the river!

Lots of roads aroung here look like this

The entrance to Gooseberry Park


Longjohns! check out those thunder-thighs!

One of mt favorite hats!

Sophia can open all kinds of things! She loves pots and pans

Her spring time "bunny suit!"


Ruth said...
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Ruth said...

Happy 9 month bday Sophia!!!! She is sooooo cute. The flooding is horrible! Are you all out of the woods yet???

By the way, I was thinking back to how incredibly annoying we must have been to teachers with our craziness! Can you imagine? Just thought I would mention my new perspective.