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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello to the Midwest!

I couldn't believe how much snow we have when I got home! It's hard to tell without a good reference point, but keep in mind that our deck is about 3 ft high...

We had another Christmas party, and then Magdalene's birthday party this weekend in Grand Forks!

The grandkids

Sophia on a scooter at Laura's during the b-day party

Hanging out with her cousins! Unfortunately, my batteries died so I didn't get too many pics

Sophia got some amazing presents from her great-grandparents, Snookie and Cash, including a Disney Princess doll set that included a mini pack 'n play and stroller! Sophia loves it!

She's been pushing her dolls all over the place!

Feeding her doll in the little bassinet

Then dolly needed a diaper change! She's such a good little mommy!

My mom recently requested some new pics of Sophia's nursery, which I decided was a good idea! Here's the west wall (the wall with the door)

The north/east corner

The east/south corner

Close-up of the east/south corner...I love that cute little lamp and the turtle!

The south wall...we keep the "rippable" books high on that shelf. Her board books are in the living room...she's getting quite the book collection! I love her nursery :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I'm happy to see the sweater does fit! now I'll try to do a better job in the future.
I e-mailed the photos I took when you were here to your parents. So if you can get them via them or let me know and I'll send them to you.
Love seeing all of you, Deb