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Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Lists!

Sophia is changing so rapidly now...I think it's time for some more lists! Here are some features of Sophia, the BIG TODDLER:

1. Sophia can walk! And RUN! And squat down, carry a toy...just about anything!
2. Sophia has lots of words (some of which only I can understand). Here are a few: Mama, dada, hi, bye, baby (beebee), dog (da), cat, puppy (puppa), clock (cock), croc (cock), sock, shoe (soo), book, truck (chuck), eye, duck...these are the ones I can think of right away...
3. Sophia mixes language with pointing and gesturing...she points to everything and asks "sa?" and that means we have to tell her the name of that object. This happens a lot when we're reading.
4. Sophia loves books! She will pull a book off her shelf and bring it to one of us, and we have to sit down and read it with her...and sometimes she'll want the same book 3 times in a row. :)
5. She's a hugger and a kisser, even with her toys.
6. SOPHIA SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT! Usually about 8-10 hours.
7. Sophia only nurses about 4 times in a 24 hour period now...which means I should really cut back on my caloric intake...
8. She loves to dance, and her daddy loves to bang on anything (like a spoon on the table) to get her into a dancing frenzy
9. She loves to wave
10. And clap
11. And give high-5s!
12. She loves tackling us and pillows, and really likes rough-play with lots of tickling
13. Sophia is way into her stacking and nesting blocks, and also likes to hide things (like little duckies) in her stacking blocks and surprise me with them
14. She LOVES pouring water between different cups, buckets, etc. In fact, the only pain-free way to get her out of the tub is to offer "nursey"
15. Sophia can play like a big girl...she has a little doll bed that she puts her dolly in and then she feeds her dolly, she bathes her baby in the bathtub (and even makes the "shhh" noise for the water!), she'll pretend her puppy is attacking's so fun to watch her pretend!

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