Next Comes 5!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The difference 5 months makes

Heading to Vermont!

Travis and Sophia get tired of packing very quickly

Suki wants to come to Vermont too!
Sophia's discovered her new favorite plaything...her feet!


Hanging out with Grandpa Ralph on Tuesday

Sophia loves to help unwrap her presents!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Great Blizzard!

Sunshine baby! (the morning after the blizzard)

Petting Dali! Sophia is a total animal lover!

Dali thinks he's the baby

A slow Saturday morning

Charlie was cold on Blizzard Day!

Sophia loved playing inside with mommy and daddy all day

Check out her jeans!

She's one busy baby

Love the jeans...

The morning of the blizzard Sophia got to play with her greatgrandparents! (the snow and wind didn't start until Sat night)

Travis and I triple-dog dared each other to run outside to the street--barefoot through the snow in windchills of -40 degrees! IT WAS COLD!

Travis got brave and sprinted across the street

I screamed and laughed the whole way!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Lots of fun and family!

Which cousin is the crybaby??? Sophia, of course!
Better behavior

With aunt Laura!

Great Grandma Mary

With Uncle Tim

Grandma Carmen!

Sucking her thumb!

With second cousin Tim and third cousin Charlotte (and mom and way happy dad)


Play time! (And some thumb-sucking)

She can grab and man-handle things now!

At the Williams Christmas party

The immediate family...Travis' parents and siblings with their families

With great Aunt Carrie!

Travis and Ralph get serious at Annie's birthday party

Sophia with her 2nd cousins Annie and Tadd, and their daughter Charlotte