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Monday, August 31, 2009

Potato Days!!!

The two sleepy heads last Monday morning...
Our arrival at "Potato Days" on Saturday!

Sophia's pony ride...when we took her off the pony and started to walk away she cried! She has horse-lover blood for sure! :)

The "strongman" competition...the guys were lifting 100lb potato sacks onto the platform!

Sophia in the Strongman crowd

Ok, normally I'm a Chevelle girl, but now I have a new dream car: The 1969 Chevy Nova Yenko! There are only 8 left, and this is one of them! (So, as soon as I have half a million dollars...)

Waiting for the parade to start!

The parade was a lot like Bristol's, with lots of tractors and firetrucks and floats! (The big difference is that this parade is 2 HOURS LONG!!!)

The parade probably included every kid from Barnesville :)

You know you're in the midwest when a "Miss Tator Tot 2009" float goes by!

Potato Days was so fun and exhausting :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Recent pics!

I think this picture really needs no caption...but, let's just say that Charlie is one heck of a dog!
Sophia's first braids! (I did them while she was nursing/napping in my lap!)

Sophia is "rough-stuff" and loves to wrestle!

She can asle be VERY cuddly, and loves to snuggle with anything soft that she comes across

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some recent pics...

Not to brag, but I think Sophia is becoming such a big, beautiful girl!

When she's upset the lip comes out!

Checking out Isabelle during our stay in Grand Forks last weekend

Hanging out with grandpa!

Checking out the bird with grandma!

We went to cousin Maura's BEAUTIFUL baby shower on Sunday...Sophia had plenty of cheese and cupcakes!

Beautiful mom-to-be Maura and her husband, John

Did I mention the shower was beautiful? :)

Sophia with Aunt Jodi and cousins Rea and Denessa

Sophia checking out the harpist at the shower with her aunt Lindsey and cousins Jayin and DJ

Sophia has a renewed fascination with her baby swing...

Chasing down Suki

Going for a laundry basket ride!

She loves to play her flute!

And one last pic from her play time with the twins last week!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend Fun!

This weekend Sophia got a lot of socializing in...on Saturday we took her to play at "Dyno Land" in the mall, where she was "talking" to the other kids and climbing on the dinosaurs and crawling around like crazy! On Sunday we went for a long family bike ride and finally covered the entire bike path along the river, which was beautiful. We had a picnic at Gooseberry park along our ride. Sophia had a nap in the bike cart and then was ready to rock with the twins at the pool!

Sophia and Amelia, poolside

Sophia and William playing bumper babies!

Jin and Chris with their twins!

Check out William's mohawk!

The pool was EXHAUSTING...Sophia had a solid 1.5 hour nap when we got home (travis did too)

I had to throw this in there...I can't get over the way she eats pickles! She LOVES them!

Still playing with "baby" :)