Next Comes 5!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 30, 2009

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Travis made Sophia an EPIC toybox!
The sign on the wall says it all: "Little Princess." Sophia loves her special little space!

Of course the cats think it's THEIR special space :)

Sophia is OBSESSED with books!

And baby-dolls :)

Thanks for the delicious doll tub, Grammy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Look Who's WALKING!!!!

The Pumpkin Patch and more!

Those are some funny farm animals!
Checking out the chickens with daddy

Sophia loved the little "petting zoo!"

Cuddle bugs!

I CAN juggle 3 babies! (But one's enough for me!) :)

It was a beautiful day!

The goofiest cowpokes!

Just over 2 feet tall!

Pony ride! The woman leading the pony was so impressed that Sophia reached right for the saddle horn and was completely at home on the pony's back. Sophia was even a tad upset when we had to walk away from the ponies! Obviously a budding horsewoman... :)

Waiting for our wagon ride out to the pumpkin field!

Travis and Sophia in the wagon with Jindallay, Chris and the twins!

Sophia gaurding our first pumpkin pick

Sophia got really excited about some other toddlers and started yelling!

Heading out of the pumpkin patch...what a fun day!

Yes, Sophia has her own little laptop toy. She loves it, and she gets to be like mommy and daddy when we use our computer!

I brought a cupcake home for Travis, but Sophia went into my purse and helped herself!

Sophia loves her daddy's specialty: pizza! Notice that she takes off the cheese, licks off the tomato sauce, and then eats the crust...she hardly ever goes back for the cheese!

CrAZy BAbY! (She was excited for raspberries!)

Sophia loves to climb up on our little table and read (or destroy) the magazines

Holding baby

Hanging out on another beautiful fall day!

Feedin baby :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Feeding Baby

While I was cooking dinner a few nights ago I looked over and found Sophia had pulled a bottle from the cupboard and was "feeding" her baby...and was even making the little clicking sounds that I make when I pretend to eat Sophia's food!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kissing baby!


This video is a demonstration of TWO milestones: Kissing and following instructions! (SOMETIMES) :)

The littlest harmonica player!

Sophia is quite the serious musician!

Walking with Daddy!

I thought I would take a little video of Sophia walking holding a finger, since SOON she will be walking on her own!

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Snow of the Year! (AAAGGGHHH!!!)

Sophia didn't mind the snow and cold a bit...she still wanted to play outside!
Comparison of Sophia in the first snow of '09 and her first snow (ever!) of '08! WOW!!!

Sophia putting puppy in the dog dishes (maybe he was hungry???)

Sophia loves to lay in her bath water, and loves the feel of the water from the faucet!

So goofy!

Some of her bath toys!

Sophia's new milestone: Eating with a fork!

Eating with a Fork Video

Ok, I KNOW that I'm the only one who cares AND I realize it's super tedious to watch Sophia struggle to spear a cube of tofu...but eating with utensils is a new and exciting milestone that Sophia has just reached, and the look of pride on her face when she finally gets the food in her mouth is worth the wait every time!

Um, sorry it's sideways :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Littlest Mommy

Sophia tending to her baby :)

Some fall decorations!

Sophia Pushing her Baby!

I just shot this today! (Oct 5, 2009)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

And One New Picture!

Another Old Video

This video was taken at the end of June, and I remember Sophia seemed so newly independent, and I thought this video really captured the essence of her new independence (and her new way of ignoring me!). Of course she's so much more independent now, but this is a first glimpse of that independence...

An Old Video...

I was cleaning out the computer and found this little video of Sophia crawling around 2 days after her birthday, in July. It was too cute to delete, so here it is!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Animal Lovin'

Sophia loves her bath toys!
Using her push toy to cart around Puppy and Baby

The naughty alliance...

Puppy love!