We were so lucky to be able to spend two beautiful days at New Smyrna Beach! We stayed in a beach condo with Sophia's Grammy, Pop Pop and Uncle Sky...it was so, so fun!!!
Sophia was so happy and good at the beach!

Crawling toward the ocean

Being silly

Still being silly!

Playing in the sand!

Making silly faces!

Sophia loved playing in the sand with her momma and grammy!

And Sophia really loved playing in the water with her momma and grammy!

Airing out between swim diapers :)

Sky taking Sophia for a little stroll down the beach

Sky and Sophia showing off the view from our 7th floor beach condo!

Hanging out in the elevator!

Playing in the surf during high tide

Sophia was fascinated by the wet, "sucky" pockets that she came upon as the tide went out!

Every time Sophia was set down in the sand she bee-lined into the water!

I love this picture, because I feel that it captures the essence of how beautifully Sophia seemed to connect with the ocean!

Crawling into the sea!

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Carole gave Sophia some beach toys that she really enjoyed...and now they're her favorite bath toys, too!

Sky continues his long tradition of making "drip castles"...with a little assistance from his niece!