A few weeks ago we went over to the twins' place for a playdate!

We went outside for a little sledding, but it was hard to do without snowshoes!
A couple weeks ago we started to get a little warmer, so we tackled the park by our house. Sophia was undaunted by all the snow!
Our snowman, circa 2/12/11 (someone finally ate his nose! I blame Bubba the squirrel!)
Sophia is very into art lately. This is a milestone picture because she announced she was going to paint spirals and then she did! Her first intentional artwork!
I got my first birthday present a little early: a cherry red helmet to match my hot little motorcycle!
Sophia loves stingrays. It's because of the teacher in Disney's "Finding Nemo;" Mr. Ray. She has never seen the movie, but has had lots of other Nemo exposure :) Chris and Sammy got Sophia a stuffed stingray on their last cruise... perfect timing!
More toddler fashion! Dino sweatshirt and jewelry
Her penchant for sorting and organizing makes my heart sing! :)
We've been dog-sitting Joey this month. They all get very cozy, but I think Joey and Charlie are in love!
Travis and I took Sophia ice-skating for the first time this month! She LOVES it!
Our snowman again. I took a couple "snowy pics" around the middle of the month at the start of our big thaw... I'm hoping the snow in these pics marks our high point!
I "roof-raked" the snow off our roof this month. I wore snowshoes to get around our front yard. I know that sounds dramatic, but I literally had to wear snowshoes... the snow is up to my waist in some places!
Another playdate with the twins! We had a beautiful Sunday before my birthday so we took the 3 kids skating and sledding. Fun!
"Stomach-sledding" :) I think she might have liked this as well as the actual sled!
Building a snowman...
Eating the snowman...
He never had a chance! :)
3 against 1!
After the twins took off we stuck around for a little more sledding and playing in the trees... We were at the sledding hill for about 2 hours and Sophia was in her underwear! YES, she is now "day-time potty-trained" (only wears a diaper for nap and bedtime). We've taken her to the mall, playgrounds, library... she's used big potties and little potties... it's so awesome!
Our snowman after the "big thaw" :) We're down to a foot or two of snow! Actually, we're getting more snow again now, but we don't talk about that!
Enjoying the thaw! There were a couple days that almost made it to 50 degrees!
Sophia helping to make loaves of whole wheat bread. In an effort to slash our grocery bill we're making almost everything from scratch! It's kind of nice! You just have to plan ahead. I'm eating our "loaded oatmeal cookies" (oatmeal, raisins, chocolate, coconut, and pecans) as we speak... yum! Way better than anything from a box!