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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I really can't get enough of how Sophia plays... witnessing her creativity and make-believe is an incredible privilege! In the above pic she's snuggling with a bundled up dinosaur. She can be very maternal with just about anything; from dinosaurs and toy cars to my hand (which she pretends is a kitten or a spider).

Sophia painted this for her godfather, Brandon. I made Travis take a picture of it because it's the first time she's put legs on something (the big blue blob is a "monkey face" with two legs coming down from the bottom).

Sophia reading to her "friends." Ignore the fact that they're in a plastic bag. :)

More play!

Silly kid!

A couple of weeks ago Travis took Sophia to the air museum. Travis and I have been really focusing on Sophia's education (and the state of public education at large), and Travis has decided that she needs extra exposure to math, science, and the arts. Since then Sophia has been to the air museum, a kids lecture on the moon, some art museums, and the planetarium! And, of course, the usuals, like story time, the Celtic festival, etc. Next up? She's signed up for several spring and summer classes, including swimming and art class, and we're working on finding part-time preschool!

Sophia loved the air museum! She has a very strong interest in all sorts of vehicles; namely planes, trains, and cars.

Travis wanted me to post this with the caption "what Sophia's reading lately." Haha! She does enjoy flipping through all sorts of books and magazines... it's nice for some quiet time!

Two weeks ago we went to Grand Forks for DJ's birthday... Sophia spent the night with her Grandpa and Grandma... no mom and dad! Mom and dad went out to a really fancy restaurant and then played pool and had mucho pitchers of beer! :) She didn't cry and didn't want to leave! The next day I drove up and joined her for DJ's party, which was held at this awesome indoor play place. Sophia loved it!

Spiderman! :)

She just seems like such a big, independent girl!

Playing with her little 2nd cousin, Mairi!


More daddy naps!

This weekend we went to Grand Forks again for Gabby's birthday... Sophia arrived just in time for cupcake decorating! Check out her super cute sweater vest that "Auntie Deb" (Deb Geehan) knitted for her!

I think she filled her annual sugar quota!

Our most exciting news: Laura passed on a Princess toddler bed for Sophia to use! Her very first night Sophia refused to sleep in it and begged for the crib and then, inexplicably, has since decided that cribs are for babies and she loves her new bed. She's sleeping in it right now! I can't believe how big she is!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Bathtub Story, by Sophia J Williams

Roy G Biv
A rainbow
and colors
color letters
Dived in with Doc!
Doc was being naughty big-otty.
Doc splashed in!
And made a huge dive.
Doc went into the water
and popped out
And popped out again
and SPLASHED in!
He put up his wheels
and splashed in
and Mater crawled in
and was feisty with the cups!
And Mater was laying in the water
and on the eggs.
He eating them?
And splashed in!

Transcribed in February of 2011 with no editing!
Some reference points: Roy G Biv is an acronym for the rainbow colors (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Sophia is really into the movie Cars (Doc and Mater are two car characters). She has foam letters and cups to play with in her bath. :) She loves making up stories! Coming soon: My list of hilarious and striking things that she's said these last few weeks!