April 17 was Travis' birthday... Sophia and I waited up for him to come home from work and then we celebrated! (We also snuck to his work and filled his car with balloons, which I hear got him lots of "happy birthday" wishes!)
Nothing like homemade applesauce spice cake... at 10 at night...
Nothing like homemade applesauce spice cake... at 10 at night...
Sophia tucked in her horses :) (and an airplane in the foreground)
Grammy (my mom) flew in from VT on Travis' birthday! She wasn't able to stay up for the 10pm celebration... but that's ok since it took her 2 days to get here! United Airlines. Yeah.
Grammy helped Sophia participate for the first time in my family's tradition of dying hard boiled eggs!
Sophia looking for the hard-boiled eggs! My family's tradition was to dye them and then "the Easter Bunny" would hide them Easter eve and all of us kids would find them in the morning. It's so fun to continue traditions with Sophia!
Easter celebration in Grand Forks! Sophia's big cousin, DJ, took her for a ride!
Looking for eggs (the plastic kind with treats inside!) at Ralph and Carmen's "Belmont House."
The big search!
Sophia with both of her grandmas!
All the cousins! Soon there will be 7!
The cousins with grandparents Ralph and Carmen...
The Easter gang! (Sans my mom, who was taking the pic)
Three generations :)
Sophia's loot!
The three big girls! After the big Belmont egg hunt we walked to Laura's house for a wonderful, fattening, very fun Easter dinner/celebration!
Soph with her grandpa Ralph
Travis and his sister, Laura, enduring a "happy birthday" song (both born in April)... mom and I made a carrot cake and stuck a couple candles in it :)
Performances, of course!
The boys attacked Travis!
He got them back!
Then the girls pitched in!