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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ballet Videos!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to upload these videos to the blog. There is a Youtube link for each video below. Mom has been encouraging me to put these on the blog... Sophia and I practice ballet almost every night, and it's a big part of her life now. So, here's a little glimpse at what we practice and how she's doing with ballet (and how I teach her). :)

1. Stretching:
2. Plie:
3. Arabesque:
4. Skipping:
5. Pay Attention:
6. Bouree:
7. Another Bouree video:
8. Chase:
9: Routine Memorization:
10: Routine Part II:
11: Routine Part III - Memorized!:
12: Freeze Dance Part 1:
13. Freeze Dance Part II:

Friday, February 17, 2012

A couple Quotes!

A few things I've heard Sophia say lately:
1. "Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart" :)
2. "When I grow up I want to be a babysitter. No... a hockey player!"
3. "Mommy you frustrated my reading!"
4. "The boys were tussling on the teeter-totter? Ridiculous!" (She says the word "ridiculous" with great drama... it's the cutest!)
5. "Do cats have bones? What do they look like?"
6. "What do blood cells do?"
7. "I want your coworkers and me and you and daddy to go to Minneapolis."
8. "Grammy is an almost vegetarian." (I think mom said that during her last visit... it's amazing what kids remember!).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Party!

I was able to slip over to Sophia's school for a bit yesterday and take part in her classroom Valentine's Day party! The kids had strawberries and bagels with strawberry cream cheese for snack...

The Montessori philosophy places great emphasis on fostering independence and confidence in small children... it was such a treat to watch Sophia prep her own food and handle snack and clean up all by herself... I would never have her do all of that at home!

She made a "love bug," which is now proudly displayed in my office :)

And she showed me a few "works!" This is a pouring "work" using small beads. Turns out beads are a lot more challenging to pour than water!

Her friend, Gowri, pitched in. It was a fun afternoon!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

youTube Link for the Pop Diva Sophia!

A few recent pics...

Sophia loves making lego garages for her cars!

This was Sophia's first ballet recital: a 5-minute segment during the winter showcase. The dance school was PACKED!

Aria is now in Sophia's ballet class, and a couple weeks ago she came over for a playdate after their lesson. She really likes the pets!

The girls had a very busy crafting playdate!

Practice :)

The joy of bed-jumping!