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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Lil Redneck Girl! (And Husband)

Travis and Sophia took out my dad's Polaris Quadtrac today for fun... Sophia LOVED it!!! She's such a redneck :) We have plenty of snow up here, and are gearing up for a "Nor'easter" that's blowing in today with lots more!

Christmas in Vermont!

 Here is Sophia in the Fargo airport on 16th! Us three girls bravely trekked to Vermont all by ourselves!
 Sophia holding Kaia on one of the THREE planes that we took

 We arrived at Burlington airport in Vermont on schedule!
 Auntie Berta greeting Kaia at my parents' house
 Uncle Sky hanging with his nieces

 Pop-pop  (my dad) with Kaia
 Grammy with the girls

 Uncle Chris came over the next day with his wife, Aunt Sammy

 One of my oldest friends, Alice came over with her little boy, Ethan!

 Mom had to drive the bus the first week of our visit, and Sophia loved helping her Grammy with some of hte bus runs!

 Aunt Sammy!
 On Tuesday we trekked to Burlington for some last minute shopping


 On Thursday we went up to my best friend, Ruth's, house
 Auntie Ruth with Kaia!
 Then Ruth came to my parents' house with Gingerbread house kits for Sophia and her son, Joseph, to use.

 We met Auntie Alice and Ethan in Bristol at Cubber's for some lunch
 Joseph, 5, holding hands with Sophia, 4, and Ethan, 1.
 Back at my parents' place for some sledding!
On Sunday the 23rd we went to the Lincoln church in the morning. This is a picture of my favorite part of the service, "Children's Moment."
 Sophia was selected to carry one of the Wise Men up to the Creche scene.

 Back at home, showing off her Gingerbread house to Uncle Sky.

 Daddy arrived safe and on schedule at Burlington airport and we headed to beautiful Church Street!
 Family photo on Church Street
 We had supper at an amazing restaurant called "Sweet Waters" on Church Street.

 Snow falling on Church Street
 Christmas Eve service! Sophia was an angel in the pageant

 She was the first child to enter the front for the pageant, and dad did the first reading

 More angels
 Sheep and angels!
 The whole crew
 We end the service by singing "Silent Night" with candles.

 Pictures after the service!
 Alice and Ethan came all the way from Middlebury for the service

 Travis and Kaia, ready for the walk back home (we live about a block from the church... not that there are blocks in Lincoln!)

 Opening stockings Christmas morning!
 Ripping into presents

 The Christmas carnage!!!
 With Auntie Berta (Sky's girlfriend)... matching scarves!
 Sky looking pretty grown up!
 Napping in stocking shrapnel
 Sky and his girlfriend, Berta
 Chris and his wife, Sammy

 All the "kids" at Christmas dinner!

 Mom with champagne and a grandchild
 Kaia enjoying her new blankie from Auntie Berta and Uncle Sky
 More unwrapping

 Our "New Home 2012" ornament!

 The scarf sisters :)

 These are some random photos from throughout the visit...

 Decorating the tree with Uncle Chris on Monday the 17th

 Chris always has to hang his favorite ornament; an old painting of our house

The end! (for now) :)