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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January Pics...

 The day after we flew in from VT (Jan 1st) we celebrated Christmas with Travis' parents at our place!
 Love holiday messes! :)
 Hmm... not sure how Carmen felt about all the photos :)
 Kaia with her Grandpa Ralph

 Kaia and her Grandma Carmen

 Still enamored with the view at our new country place :) Last night there was a big deer right next to our back door... I tried really hard to get a picture of it but it was just too dark for my camera! Saw 4 deer in the prairie on the way into work today. It's worth every second of driving to live in a quiet, beautiful place surrounded by wildlife!
 HEAVEN! We have the horses!!! We got Pepper the pony and Margie our quarter horse onto our land during the first week of January. These pics are from last week, when we opened up the front 1 acre pasture for them. They loved it after being cooped up in the corral for 2 weeks while Margie's leg was busy getting stronger! Margie has almost completely recovered; her wound is closed and last night she showed off a beautiful, floating, extended trot (as she was evading me while I was trying to get them in the barn). AND she even cantered a little, with no visible lameness. She's back to her old tricks! Good to have her back!

 And, finally, some baby faces from the big 4-month old (well, her 4 month "birthday" is Feb 3, but she's now 16 weeks old!). And my first 40 hour work week is next week. Sigh.
 Goof-ball! :)

 For the sake of comparison... here are two pics of Sophia when she was right around Kaia's age! (Like, within a week)
Sophia again...
Back to Kaia! I think it's pretty fun to check out similarities (eyebrows!) and differences (eye shape!)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The rest of VT!

Sorry that it's taken me so long to finish posting VT pics! Life has been just a bit busy. :) Anyway, here are the rest! Let's start with a ridiculous photo of my baby brother, Sky:

 We had a great time playing cards!
 Chris having fun with Sophia's Play-Doh creation
 Sophia schooling her uncle Sky in the art of Play Doh
 VT was struck by a good, heavy "Nor'easter" while we were there, which we enjoyed as much as possible. There was too much snow for sledding!
 Sophia got going down the hill behind my parents' house and then bit it when the snow piled up in front of her sled!
 No worries... she laughed her butt off!
 Chris and Sammy having a "wrapping paper bonfire" during the storm
 We (perhaps not so wisely) braved some insane driving weather to go over to my brother Christopher's neck of the woods. We had an amazing time at the Montshire Science Museum!
 All the adults were mesmerized by this turning table that you put different objects on and observe their paths. It was hypnotic!

 Travis got entrenched in this crazy math problem... he had to arrange all these numbered cylinders so that they would add up to 15 every which way. It took forever and a way lot of brain power!

 Sophia playing with the bubbles with Grammy and Pop Pop :)

 Checking out the cloud table...

 Another exhibit that got the attention of the adults: speeding up and slowing down videos like this one of a dog shaking off water.

 A bunch of kids playing with bubbles!

 Clearly the grown ups had just as much fun as the kids!

 A weather station....
 Perhaps the most fun: a habitat full of Leaf Cutter ants. We got to feed them!


 Exploring viscosity

 After the museum we enjoyed an INSANELY delicious and huge dinner at the Chinese restaurant owned by Sammy (my brother's wife's) family. YUM

 On Sunday the 30th Kaia was baptized at my little Lincoln church!

 My good friend, Alice and her son Ethan :)
 Reverend Dave Wood holding Kaia.
 She was pretty well behaved! Love the little Lincoln church!

 Is this not the sweetest pic ever of a little girl with her uncle??!! Sky has a way with babies!

 On our last night in VT we had an amazing supper at the Bobcat in Bristol.
 Sophia sleeping in Grammy's arms :)
 The meal was truly amazing!
 Kaia having a last bit of quality time with her Grammy

 On the plane, headed home! We had an incredible time in VT! Miss and love the Green Mountain state!