Well, this has been one heck of a month! On the home front things have been more than a little challenging. Honestly the winter weather is getting the best of me. We've had 3 blizzards in two weeks, and countless subzero days, including the -50 windchill day that closed the schools. The horses have been burning through feed (hay, alfalfa and grain) like crazy, I'm tired of hand carrying 20-30 gallons of water through a foot of snow every day, and the woodpile is dwindling fast. Would I move back to town? NO WAY! Is country living a bit more challenging? YOU BET! That's my rant! Fortunately, there are a few things keeping me alive. My marathon training is progressing really well (up to 10 miles and feeling great!), and I think exercising really helps me feel better. Also, the girls never seem to notice my winter blahs, and I have just been amazed by Kaia's sudden "growing up" this month. She began walking very well at 14 months, and is now running! She has also started to occasionally sleep through the night (!). We have had several "all-nighters," when she goes to bed at 10pm and wakes up around 9am. She does have a pretty bad rash right now that probably bothers her quite a bit, so I am wondering if she will be a solid sleeper once that goes away. Kaia also stopped nursing last month, which honestly makes me pretty sad. I VIVIDLY remember the last time Sophia nursed at 25 months of age. Kaia just started nursing less and less and, sometime right at the beginning of January (at about 15 months), she just never showed an interest in nursing again. Kaia is running, climbing, stacking, looking at books, playing independently, doing puzzles, self-feeding completely, NOT nursing, sleeping better, waving, pointing to body parts, following requests (like "put your shoes away"), plays lots of peek a boo and hide and seek, loving on her sister more than ever, and starting to talk! Her words right now are: mama, dadda, sis, nana (banana), da (dog), book, "quack" and "oo" (hoot for an owl)... I could be missing some too! I'll have to make a list this weekend! Anyhow, on with the pictures:
Sophia and Kaia enjoying the new kids table from Travis' maternal grandparents. It seemed like Kaia was a baby for so long, and then suddenly she wasn't!The shoe fetish continues!
Both girls are very, very into books. If I sit on the floor or the couch for any reason Kaia will run off and grab a book, throw it at me, and climb into my lap. :)
We have at least had some stunning scenery during January
Last weekend we came into town (on the unplowed iced-over, terrifying roads) for the annual 4-H project morning. Sophia was thrilled to see her friend from the boarding stable, Ayden there, as well as a friend from school, Yuri.
Sophia and Ayden are so cute :) Holding hands!
Checking out the 3-D printer!
Sophia with the other "Glyndon Fearless 4-H" members who made it. Sitting next to Lily, of course!
We had to leave 4-H a bit early to book it over to ballet...
Sophia LOVED the stick horse she made at 4-H, and she and Kaia did some bedroom trail riding together!
Horses attempting to sunbathe in the blowing snow... we've had a few nasty "ground blizzards" this month.
Casey LOVES the snow and is immune to the cold! He rolls in the snow even on subzero days! Charlie on the other hand... barely leaves his bed.
More brilliant scenery on a stunningly cold day
Kaia doing one of her wooden peg puzzles!
My messy little toddler often has to be lifted from her high chair and plunked right into the bath :)
Still one of our favorite times of the day! I hope everyone else is weathering January okay. Our forecast for next week is pretty dismal (-18 is the HIGH on Monday?!), but I know if I can make it to the end of February everything will be okay. :)