A recent sunset pic with our seasonal pond. It's full of frogs and very noisy!
Lots of dance parties!
This pic is a despressingly poor image of the "moonset" on a recent morning. The moon seemed so big and had a reddish tint as it went down behind the barn.
Another poor pic of a recent sunrise that was just beautiful.
So much bird action! Love our flocks of red-winged blackbirds
Mourning dove
A grackle... not my favorite bird, but they are pretty.
Pheasant hen. Our rooster seems to have two hens hanging around. What a stud!
Sophia coerced Kaia into playing "zoo." I wish they would play it more often! HA!
Bella hanging out loose in the backyard.
Easter egg dyeing! On Saturday.
That's my post-23 mile run look. :) Definitely need make up!
Made Easter baskets Saturday night and put them in the girls' rooms, just like my parents used to do.
Travis enjoying a cold coffee on Easter morning
Kaia playing with the "peeping chick" she found in her basket. It actually seems to make her nervous.
Sorry for the Easter diversion, but a SANDHILL CRANE IN OUR BACKYARD! Yaaaay!
Kaia watching over the hard-boiled Easter eggs that Sophia was hunting down in the reading room. Another Gale family tradition :)
The hardest egg for her to find was in the plant!
Getting dressed up...
I just couldn't seem to get great pics this holiday :( Girls were so cute!
We headed up to Grand Forks to celebrate Easter, and the girls were delighted to find baby ducks and Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Cousin Ava :)
Such a beautiful day!
I thought Travis and his Uncle Tim looked like twins. The Williams genes are strong!
Sophia and cousin Ava
Travis' youngest cousin, Danessa
My carrot cake! With toasted cocount garnish.
The kids
Group pic
Kaia hunting for eggs!
Sophia hunting for her eggs with Grandpa
Carrot cake :)
With Travis' parents and grandma Snooki.
Lindsey and kids
Checking out the ducks one last time!
When we got home there was time enough to squeeze in a two mile trail ride and then we even transplanted all the tomatoes and peppers! It was a late night, but was still in the 60's at midnight (74 degrees when we went riding!)... you can't let temps like that get away! Happy Easter!