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Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Routine

Sophia has finally settled into somewhat of a routine! I can basically know what to expect every day, although things have a way of melting down as the day lengthens...
4:30am or so: Sophia nurses. At that point I take her out of her cradle and put her in bed with us
5:15am: Travis gets up to go to work...sometimes the fussing starts then, but if I'm lucky it starts around
6:00am: Some fussing. Usually a quick nursing or a pacifier will keep severe fussing at bay
7:00: more fussing...this fussing will go for about an hour. I should technically get up at this point and change her and nurse her, but I'm usually too tired, so we go until
8:00am: I get up and change Sophia, change her clothes if needed, give her a good, long nursing
9:00am: Sophia goes back in the cradle. This is when I put in my contacts, make the bed, eat breakfast, pay bills, etc. etc.
10:00am: Nurse, back in the cradle. This is "fun time" when I usually work on stories and poems or look around for part-time jobs (or look at the horses in the classifieds!)
11:30am: Sophia's up for good. I nurse and change her, and, if I haven't already, I dress her for the day
12:00pm: We head out on our 4-mile walk with the dogs!
1:30pm: This used to be when she would nap in the stroller, but she doesn't do that anymore! She'll nurse and get a diaper change and then she goes into the front-pack and snoozes while I eat lunch (standing up!), do laundry, sweep floors, dust furniture, water plants, etc. etc.
3:00pm: A quick nursing and probably a change and then it's on her baby Einstein play gym/mat thing (thanks Ruth!) for tummy time, rolling over (I roll her), and batting at toys (she just figured out how to shake some of the toys and it's SO cute!!!).
4:00pm: this is her "witching hour." She starts fussing sometime after 4 every day, and it's anybody's guess whether or not she'll fuss until bedtime!
4:30: Travis comes home and I throw her at him. Enough baby time for me! :)
4:30--6:00pm: Travis tries his best to keep her from crying...this involves "airplane," taking her outside to the hammock, playing games etc. Meantime I'm cooking dinner and turning up the volume on the radio!
4:30--6:00: "Travis, can you chop this pepper while I nurse her?" Travis is getting cooking lessons on the fly because sometimes a boob is the only thing that will get us a little peace. We resort to this when she gets to the point where she throws her head back, scrunches her eyes shut, turns red, and screams and screams and little tears run down her face.
6:00 or 6:30: Dinner with Sophia either on my lap or on a boob
7:00pm: "Family walk" (2 miles) or a movie
8:00pm: every other night this is bath time!
9:00 or 10:00pm: Bedtime! Sophia get in her jammies, has a good long nursing, and goes down in her cradle!
12:00am: Nursing
2:00am: Nursing
And we're back to 4:30!
Sophia used to nurse less, but lately she has needed far more frequent meals. Maybe we're headed for another growth spurt???
I can't believe she was in preemie clothes just 10 weeks ago, and now she's growing out of her 0-3 month clothes! She is SO BIG! Must be all the milk...

1 comment:

Ruth said...

This is so cool--both to hear your routine and the fact that you aleady have one so young! Amazing how much work babies are hugh? And how much they can nurse! Maybe when we were visiting Joseph was secretly teaching her how to be ginormous and nurse ALL the time. Glad she is enjoying the gym thing!