Hanging out with cousin Jaylin at DJ's birthday party, two weeks ago.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Catching up...
Hanging out with cousin Jaylin at DJ's birthday party, two weeks ago.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sophia's Week!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
the Big Toddler!
And anything else that she see mommy and daddy wear!
Sophia loves going to the library, and the little computer activities are the special thing that daddy does with her...she loves it!
My favorite new "grown up" trick is affection. Sophia loves to give kisses and hugs! Next best is language... her vocabulary has suddenly exploded! She can even put a couple words together now: "Giddy up," "Come On" and "Daddy Purse." Daddy purse is a creative construction, which I think is brilliant (of course!). It's what she decided to call Travis' lunch box! Here are a few other new words that we regularly hear: "Bunny, outside, happy, Suki, Charlie, jacket, boots, elbow, circle, bread, water, pickle, chair, computer, hat, knee, teeth, pillow, picture, purse, battery, bubba (our resident squirrel), owl, dance, hop, walk, apple, Kashi, cheese, pen, crayon, sticker..."the list goes on! She also knows the letters E, M, and sometimes G (don't ask), all her shapes, and numbers 1-5. It's amazing what she can learn!
Another new thing? She's in a "do it myself" stage...she likes to feed the animals, put on her boots, feed herself., and use the same items that we use (like drinking glasses). She's also into more dangerous behavior...balancing on soft surfaces or edges, throwing herself onto furniture, and climbing on everything. And she's VERY INDEPENDENT...she has a tantrum when she doesn't get her way! She is changing so quickly lately. She doesn't seem like a baby anymore...she's officially a big toddler!