Here are some pictures from last week's "Toddler Class"...they have a dairy barn play house that Sophia played in the whole time!
Posing in her little chair...
Sophia and Travis are always into the books!
This weekend Sophia was really into a big play-R.V. She was hoarding her favorite toys in there!
Playing with the dancing ribbons at the end of class
We were dogsitting this weekend too...Sophia loves her grandma's Doberman, Joey! Joey was very tolerant of all the toddler affection :)
And yesterday (Valentine's day) we had a playdate with the twins while Chris and Jin went out...and this was the first time the babies actually played together! So cute!
Hanging out in the nude before bed! (watching science music videos with daddy...they can be kinda nerdy!) :D
I'm constantly discovering more and more who I am. It's a wonderful friendship that I'm developing with myself and my husband! And even my family and best friend!
Working Out
Margie on April 3rd, working out in the arena. Learning to hug the rail!
Some things to work on: Not stopping at the arena gate, going
counterclockwise (f...
What a long month, and wow did it fly! School has begun and it's all
consuming. If I'm not at school, I'm prepping lessons for school, or
communicating wi...
random thoughts on a snow day
The longer I go without writing on here, the harder it seems to be to come
back. I used to be so good at just coming and writing the most random
things. ...
The Blog Revived!!!
So, I'm mostly doing this because of the relentless prodding by our friend
Jennifer, but it's also TIME! The blog has been revived! I know through my
This picture is summer to me!
Nora's first creemee, swimming and fun at our beautiful state park.
Babies playing with fire--always a good idea
Lots of fun! It's so special that Sophia is now really playing with the twins!! Yay!
Don't let Travis turn her into too much of a nerd. JUST KIDDING!
SO CUTE. I haven't been on your blog in a long time!
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