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Friday, May 28, 2010

Sophia - isms

I know I'm obsessed with the whole language thing, but it's just so much fun! Sometimes Sophia develops names for things that just crack me up. I wanted to share a couple:
1. We say "Pickup truck," she says "Hiccup Truck" (that's my favorite!)
2. We say "Edamame," she says "Eda - mommy"
3. We say "Jogging Stroller," she says "Doggy Stroller"
4. We say "Mickey Mouse," she says "Icky Mouse."

Sophia can communicate pretty much all of her needs, and sometimes I can't believe what she comes up with! For example, the other day I asked, "Sophia, what are you doing?" Her response? "Nothing." Agh! She's not even two and she's acting like a teen!

Another conversation (from yesterday) that Travis shared with me:
S: "Swimming pool?"
T: "It's all gone."
S: "Bubbles?"
T looks for them, then says "I don't know where the bubbles are."
S: "Daddy find them!"

Another thing I love? She talks in the 3rd person. So, she'll say something like, "Sophia do it?" or "Sophia have it?"
She also talks to herself constantly, and will spit out random bits of songs, nursery rhymes, etc. I could be pushing her along in the stroller and her self-talk will go something like:
"Dandelion...mommy get it? Sophia have it? Three blind mice."

Fun, fun!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Recent Pics!

We're still going to the park all the time, and Sophia is quite the climber!
Sophia in her sunsuit, picking dandelions in the park

We take a (30--40 minute!) walk around our block every evening. Sophia likes to bring her red basket for collecting rocks, sticks, flowers, etc. And how cute is her shirt???

Check out the back of her those buttons! :)

She loves to help me feed the birds, squirrels and bunnies (and then watch them from the window!)

I love that her hair is long enough for a real seems so grown-up!

Her favorite thing to do while I cook dinner: wash her rocks. Literally she has a big coffee bucket full of rocks. Which she washes.

Running with our dog, Casey, and Jaylin's new little puppy, Molly, at Jaylin's birthday party last weekend!

Bouncing with birthday girl, Jaylin (pink dress) and cousin Gabby (right) and Travis' cousin Maddie (in back)

Maddie and Sophia checking out Katie...Maddie was so sweet with Soph!

Swingset fun!

Cousin Jaylin holding Sophia, and her brother, DJ, holding Molly!
Travis took the kids for lots of little "tractor" rides!

Sophia sat with Grandma Carmen, and even let Grandma Carmen feed her! She ate more for Carmen then she does for me!

Most of the gang (it's hard to get everyone in one shot!)

Sophia ended up sitting in a mud puddle in her cute little party dress...she is SO redneck! She ended up naked and covered in mud! Sorry, I can't post the naked mud photos...too racy :)

Hanging out with the youngest in the group, Mairie! Mairie is Travis' cousin, Mara's (and John).

Hanging out with Grandpa, wearing outfit #2. Always have a back up!

Sophia's brand-new obsession: Her wading pool! In our side yard.

After a long day in the sun and the water Sophia and I had to split an ice cream sandwich! Hooray for Summer!