Next Comes 5!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Sophia first started wearing underwear this Wednesday... she loves it! She's very careful not to pee in it... she'll run to the potty and say "potty! potty!" so I know to come over and take off her underwear so she can do her thing (and she asks for a diaper for doing a #2). The very first pair that she wanted to wear were her Blues Clues undies! I can't believe how fast she's growing up!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Weekend Pictures Catch Up!

Last weekend we went to Rheault Farm for Fall Fest!

Sophia loves pumpkins!

This weekend we went to Buffalo River State Park, about 20 minutes east of Moorhead. I think we were all wondering, "Why didn't we try this sooner?" SEE?! Minnesota CAN be beautiful! :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

In the careless tendrils of your hair
I can sometimes see
a kindergartener's messy braids
dangling where she's painting.
In the slope of your shoulders
I can sometimes guess
their shape in a prom dress,
as you leave me
with my camera still focusing.
In the smooth nape of your neck
I can imagine you bent
over your own infant,
rocking and wondering.
From this one place in the stream
I find myself treading
and looking back, as far as I can,
in the direction of the spring,
or, more often, gazing forward
to trace the flow
into infinity.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Trollwood Park!

This last weekend we had a warm, beautiful Saturday and decided to go for a long family bike ride and have a picnic at our favorite park! We are relishing every last drop of summer!!!

Kitty Love

At first I thought Sophia was proclaiming her love for me, but it quickly became apparent that she was gushing over the cat, Dali! She's crazy about that cat!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Old pic! Right after we got back from VT Carmen and Ralph flew to AZ out of the Fargo airport, so we ran over there to see them off!
This weekend we went to GF to hang out with Carm and Ralph again, and to party at a wedding reception for some old family friends! First we had a little fun out in the country...Sophia got to "drive" grandpa's pickup!

Wedding reception!

The train!

With her Auntie Lindsey...

These were not actually the drunk ones...
THESE guys were! Haha
We get to borrow a play kitchen for Sophia! She loves it!

We had to go get accessories for the kitchen, of course! That stuff is SO cute!!!

Today (labor day) is rainy and Travis is working, so Soph and I baked cookies! It's the first time she's been more of a help than a hindrance, if you know what I mean :)

We were baking ginger snaps...I should have known better than to lay out the sugar for rolling in front of Sophia!
The pay off! YUM!