On Saturday we took our bikes to a street fair by the river with lots of local vendors, fair food, kids' activities, music, etc. Sophia LOVES those trains! I didn't have to walk next to her...she wasn't shy...she was totally pumped to get on the "

Petting the horses pulling the wagon...Saturday was SWELTERING...poor horses

Watching the Penney and Pals performance! Sophia was riveted! All the other kids were so cute...obviously familiar with the act...they sang and danced along!

After the street fair we rode over to the farmer's market and loaded up the bike cart with our produce for the week! Sophia is totally ready for Halloween :)

Sophia was actually helping me shuck corn for our corn/potato/tomato/basil chowder...until she started eating it! She ate almost an entire ear of raw corn! I didn't freak because I watched my baby brother consume lots of raw corn during our trip in VT... so it's not like poisonous or anything... and actually tastes pretty good! Who knew?!

This might be the tackiest article of clothing we've ever owned. Sophia LOVES it.

What to do on a rainy day? Why, set up a 4-person tent in the nursery, of course! Hours of fun!

Sophia carrying Baby Ella in her old front carrier. She's so sweet with Ella! She carried Ella in that pack for a good hour, then took Ella with her in the stroller when we walked the dogs (and talked to Ella lots, saying things like "those are branches, baby Ella"), and then walked Ella around the block in Ella's little stroller. I see lots of big sister potential! MAYBE. SOMEDAY.
1 comment:
Great pics! What a sweety! Awesome she loved the performance (though I have no idea what Penney and Pals are). Love the overalls and the tent fun! And just hatch another baby already ;-)
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