On July 6th Sophia and I buzzed up to Grand Forks, ND to meet the newest cousin, Ava Joy. I am a very proud Godmother!

Ava with her mama (my sister-in-law); Lindsey

She is so beautiful!

Two days later we had a small family celebration of Sophia's THIRD birthday!

Sophia eating cake with one of her presents: a fork and spoon shaped like tractors, from Uncle Sky and Auntie Berta! She LOVES them! That's my sweet little redneck!

Two days later we had her big party at the splash park in Grand Forks! It was a hot, beautiful day! Sophia chose "Carnival Theme," so we set up loads of games around our Pavillion. It was so hot the 6 eldest cousin decided to turn the duck fishing pool into a reprieve from the sun!

Little Ava having a diaper change :)


Grandpa hanging out with his two littlest girls (the two Joys!)

The pinata was a hit!

Gabby getting in a good hit!

The dive for treats!

Talk about beating a dead horse...

Jaylin's "action shot"

Dennis and Travis testing out the badmitton!

Then the horse shoes! (Nothing like mixing beer and kids' games!)

The boys, DJ and Gunner, doing the ball toss!

Grandpa Ralph shows off his juggling skills!

Awww... little miss Ava with her doting daddy!

Cake time!

Yes, Sophia gouged the cake with her toe and then licked the frosting off her feet... it's her birthday! Anything goes!

Sack race!

Gunner and Sophia doubled up!

Opening presents...

Travis and his mom hitting up badmitton again!

Later on Sophia had to try out all of her presents, of course! I like this look!

Today we braved temps in the 90's and high humidity and headed to the fair with some new friends! Sophia loved holding the newborn quail chicks in the Ag Ed barn!

Sophia and her friend, Aria, in the "Corn Box." How do you know you're in the Midwest??? Hey, I have to admit, it feels pretty cool to hang out in a corn box!

The girls admiring the duckling slide! The ducks seemed to like it!

Sophia with a chicken chick

Petting zoo!

And, of course, the girls had to hit a gazillion rides! This year Sophia was close enough to 36" tall to go on them by herself! I know she looks serious in the pics, but she LOVED it!
1 comment:
Love it all! Great pics of little cuz, birthday fun, and the fair. You all do SO MUCH. Can't wait to see the pics of VT. And most of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOOOOOPPPHIIIAA!!!!!!
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