More swimming lessons, at Concordia College just down the road!
The ballerina swimsuit is too adorable! The wonders of Target!
We had "Greater Moorhead Days" last week, and managed to squeeze in the parade this year! Sophia REALLY enjoyed it! (Especially all the candy... she got as much candy from this parade as she gets at Halloween. Someone IN the parade finally took pity on my bulging purse and camera bag and gave us a shopping bag to put the goodies in... and we FILLED it!).
Sophia sees Bonnie, a Ladies Auxilliary member who I work with!
One hand for a flag and one hand for candy... notice the sticker collection she was starting on her shirt...
Moorhead highschool has awesome cheer and dance squads, and the marching band was HUGE and wonderful!
Picking up candy...
End of the parade!
One of the MOST exciting things (2nd only to starting school): Sophia has started ballet lessons! She's taking a small group ballet class at Gasper's School of Dance.
She loves the mirrors... the music... the props... it's fun! The instructor is definitely also a bit strict and demanding, and I appreciate that :)
How cute are these little girls??!! Sophia's all the way on the right (the littlest one!)
At the "ballet barre" (took this pic in the mirror)... Sophia all the way to the right! Her first class was a little overwhelming, and about half of the class has already had some ballet. The teacher assurred me that Sophia will catch on and we should stick with it and help her practice, so we've been working on first position, plie, passe, and pointing and flexing toes. She catches on really fast; the thing to work on is keeping her still!
This last Saturday we joined our friends Leslie and Leonard (and daughter Aria) at their beautiful, early 1900's home for a little dinner party! In this pic Aria and Sophia were pretending to be dogs.