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Thursday, October 11, 2012

More Kaia!


My sister in law, Laura, and my parents in law and all the cousins came down last Sunday to visit with Kaia!
Grandpa Ralph with the 2 littlest: 3 month old Hudson and 4 day old Kaia!
Ralph with all of his grandchildren!

Carmen and Ralph (if you can find them!)
Oldest cousin with the youngest :)
Hudson and Kaia...what a difference a few months make!

Gunner bonding with Ava, who is now the 3rd youngest!

More sister love :) It's magical!

Sophia took Kaia "camping." Not Kaia's favorite!
Our friends, Stephanie and Travis Nelson, came over to visit on Monday
Kaia with their daughter, 5 month old Lilly!
Over the last couple of days we have just been nursing... trying to get back to a normal groove... Kaia had her 1 week appointment today and she's in the 90th percentile for length and the 50th for weight! Sophia continues to be an amazing sister, and Travis and I are getting the hang of things so much faster this time around. Things aren't all sunshine... we're gearing up for moving out on Oct 27th and that's a bit stressful, and I lost my grandpa yesterday. We definitely have our share of challenges... but also more than our share of joy.


your brudda chris said...

sophia is such an angel! cant wait to see the interaction between her and Kaia

Ruth said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Such great photos. Love the sisters!!! And alllllll of the tons of cousins! So, very very sorry about your grandpa--thinking of your family. I am so glad we have gotten to chat a little. You are the most amazing mama. Do you email at all when you are home?