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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Office Party, Santa's Village, Zoo Party

 On December 6 we had our annual office party! I was the official party planner/hostess/emcee/everything that night, so I didn't get many pictures :( I did get REALLY lucky with Kaia because she was more sociable than usual and didn't mind getting passed around! This was essential for lowering my stress level!

 On Dec. 8 I braved sub-zero cold to take Sophia, her friend Lily, and Kaia to Santa's Village while the men chopped wood.

 Sophia and Lily were pretty hesitant about the whole Santa thing at first, which I also think is very awkward...
 But they warmed right up to him when he started asking them what they wanted! I can't remember everything Sophia requested, but I know that "My Little Ponies" were mentioned. We are still really into those!
 Decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus.
 Making ornaments...

 They had a Toddler play area that Kaia really enjoyed! It still seems weird to me that she's kind of like a kid and kind of not a baby anymore.
 Coloring Christmas pictures!
 Kaia often enjoys coloring, but not when there are cookies around!
 TRYING to get a Christmas-y picture. It's not happening this year.
 Sophia snapped a few photos of me and Kaia recently, and I decided to post them after I noticed that I have hardly any pics of me with my baby, since I am usually the one behind the lens!
 We were all wearing pink that day ;)
 Love my "little big kid!"
 Cookie decorating at the 4-H Club meeting on Thursday the 12th.
 On Sunday the 15th we went to our first "Ellen Hopkins" birthday party, at the zoo. It was pretty over the top! We all had a great time, and really enjoyed meeting more parents and seeing the kids outside of the classroom. I have some interaction with parents/kids through PTA and volunteering in the classroom, but there's nothing like a zoo environment to really cement new friendships!
 Sophia went on the indoor carousel about 15 times. I was starting to feel sick just watching her.
 The zoo staff brought in some animals to play with, which was great because it was about 0 degrees. Travis and Sophia DID run outside to see some of the animals, and I heard rave reviews about the wolves and the eagles. I was not going out there though!
 Cute little African hedgehog!
 Walking Stick
 Sophia was really into the Walking Stick. She is super interested in bugs, and often most often says that she would like to be an entomologist or archeologist.

 Delighted by the Skink!

 We tried really hard to get Kaia to notice the Skink, but she never did. Too funny!
Worn out! (Which reminds me, I need to do a post about sleep sometime soon. Sleep is not something that happens in our house for any of us, and I really sympathize with my friends who have babies and are also experiencing this. I want to reassure you that we ARE starting to see more frequent nights of solid sleep, but I treat these as little gifts and try not to be too optimistic that it will start to happen with any regularity because so far it hasn't!).
In other news, we have been very busy getting ready for our trip to VT! We leave on Sunday! This might be the last one for a long time, and I don't know about future trips during the winter. We have hired a house-sitter AND a neighbor kid to take care of our own little zoo. It's going to be hard for them to fight the snow and haul buckets of water for 4 horses, etc. It's very expensive and stressful for us to sort out animal care during the winter, so I just don't see it happening again anytime soon! We are really looking forward to this trip, and will treasure every moment.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

First Snows!

 This year the snow came so late we didn't have a real pumpkin left! We had one tiny one. :)

Thanksgiving, Christmas Dresses,

 A couple of weeks ago Sophia made a "picnic" for her and Kaia at the coffee table using legos and coasters. I just love how she uses Kaia as a playmate/sidekick for all of her ideas. :)

 Sophia in the "big kids room" during Thanksgiving. We celebrated Thanksgiving in Grand Forks, and started at Travis' maternal grandparents' house.
 Our super adorable niece and Goddaughter, Ava :)

The "adult" (and babies) table! 
 Kaia with her Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Carmen
 Next we headed over to the Williams' clan celebration! Kaia with Aunt Lindsey and Great Grandma Mary
 Kaia and Lindsey with Travis' Aunt Maria
 Great Grandma, cousin Jaylin, Kaia and her Grandpa Ralph (and the ever-present Daisy the dog!)
 Travis with his sister and cousin, Maura. Ate waaaaayyyy too much and had a great time!
 Sophia stayed with her grandparents for TWO nights after Thanksgiving, and I was able to get some shopping done! I hadn't realized how much easier it is to shop with just Kaia... Kaia rode in the backpack all day and barely made a peep! Sophia was thrilled when she returned home to find that I had gone out and purchased this year's Christmas dresses :)
 I love spending the long weekend post-Thanksgiving hauling out all the Christmas things!
 Some Christmas dress pics :) This was the typical messy process that it seems to be for other moms trying to get sweet Christmas pics. It takes about 100 pics to get 3 decent photos!

 First real snow! We have had a couple dustings in November that didn't really stick around. On December 3 the long fall ended and winter arrived with a bang... we have had snow and more snow (including a stretch of blizzard conditions) and freezing temps ever since.
 HAHA... I had to post this one! Kaia touched the snow and immediately started screaming (kind of how I felt about it!) and Sophia gamely continued to try to get a good "first snow picture." Happy winter!