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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thanksgiving, Christmas Dresses,

 A couple of weeks ago Sophia made a "picnic" for her and Kaia at the coffee table using legos and coasters. I just love how she uses Kaia as a playmate/sidekick for all of her ideas. :)

 Sophia in the "big kids room" during Thanksgiving. We celebrated Thanksgiving in Grand Forks, and started at Travis' maternal grandparents' house.
 Our super adorable niece and Goddaughter, Ava :)

The "adult" (and babies) table! 
 Kaia with her Grandpa Ralph and Grandma Carmen
 Next we headed over to the Williams' clan celebration! Kaia with Aunt Lindsey and Great Grandma Mary
 Kaia and Lindsey with Travis' Aunt Maria
 Great Grandma, cousin Jaylin, Kaia and her Grandpa Ralph (and the ever-present Daisy the dog!)
 Travis with his sister and cousin, Maura. Ate waaaaayyyy too much and had a great time!
 Sophia stayed with her grandparents for TWO nights after Thanksgiving, and I was able to get some shopping done! I hadn't realized how much easier it is to shop with just Kaia... Kaia rode in the backpack all day and barely made a peep! Sophia was thrilled when she returned home to find that I had gone out and purchased this year's Christmas dresses :)
 I love spending the long weekend post-Thanksgiving hauling out all the Christmas things!
 Some Christmas dress pics :) This was the typical messy process that it seems to be for other moms trying to get sweet Christmas pics. It takes about 100 pics to get 3 decent photos!

 First real snow! We have had a couple dustings in November that didn't really stick around. On December 3 the long fall ended and winter arrived with a bang... we have had snow and more snow (including a stretch of blizzard conditions) and freezing temps ever since.
 HAHA... I had to post this one! Kaia touched the snow and immediately started screaming (kind of how I felt about it!) and Sophia gamely continued to try to get a good "first snow picture." Happy winter!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I heard about all the blizzards out your way; glad you're OK! And I loved the last picture :)