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Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Vermont fun!

On Friday we went to Bristol for a playdate with Joseph at Bob's house...Sophia got her diapering supplies out and freshened up her teddy bear!
Dance party!

Jam time!

Bob and Joseph made some great music!
Sophia and Joseph have become fairly affectionate!

After our playdate at Bob's we headed to Cubber's for some food...Joseph insisted on being in a high chair like Sophia! They are so cute!

Joseph shared his drink with Soph...he held the cup for sweet!

Her grandparents have been getting in a lot of "floor time!" She LOVES her new big bear from them!

Friday night we all got together and played cards and "tied one on"
We had a lot of fun!
Zoe enjoyed the fun too!

On Saturday we went up to the "Gap" (a road over the mountain that closes in the winter) for a little snowboarding...we made a bonfire...we made it about 10 times before it finally stayed burning!
Sammy enjoying the snow with Zoe
Schuyler working on the fire...
Chris and me at the top of the hill, ready to snowboard down!
The bottom of the hill...apparently word has gotten out about how fun the Gap is, because there were at least 20 cars there...from as far away as California!

Our ride to the top!
Hanging around the bonfire...check out the beautiful view!
There were a lot of people coming down the mountain!
Sophia had a good time getting pulled around in her little sled!
Sky took a turn pulling too

Heading home was a little crowded...Chris had to sit in the cargo space with Zoe!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

It was soo much fun playing with you, Sophia, Joseph, and my dad!! It was great to spend more time with Sophia and see her personality more. What a love! And Joseph really likes her!! (I was sure the wouldn't get along, just to spite us.) The pics with your family are great too. I hope to get to see them tomorrow. And I love the gap--that is awesome.