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Friday, August 3, 2012

A Tiny Baby Update!

I had my 30 week prenatal appointment as Essentia Hospital this morning, and thought I would share some of the stats... posting it here will also help me remember it down the road!
1. My CNM, Terry, determined that the baby is head down! Yay!
2. My uterus is measuring 32 inches, which is at the large end of "normal" for how far along I am. I always measured small with Sophia... perhaps it's a bigger baby this time??
3. I only gained a pound last month, which seems crazy because my stomach is HUGE! I have gained 14 lbs overall.
4. We listened to the heart, but I forgot to ask for the BPM :(  Oops.
5. A couple of weeks ago I had my glucose test and lots of other fun labs, and all my numbers are really good... my CNM gave me an "A" :)
6. Terry is still guessing that the baby is a girl. Travis is sure it's a boy. I have no clue! I still lean towards boy, but a girl sure wouldn't surprise me. I can't wait to find out! About 2 months to go!

I feel so reassured and lucky that everything seems normal and healthy and good. I am getting excited for the baby's birth, and we are starting to get ready!


Ruth said...

Tinyest pregnant person ever! But awesome stats. So happy for you!

Genevieve said...

I love reading your updates on here and I am so glad to hear everything is looking good!! You look fabulous as well! Oh and I wrote back on my blog where you commented but the sling is a Sleeping Baby productions ring sling, it is great!! xoxo P.S. Can'y believe you are 30 weeks already, wow!!!!

Meredith said...

Wow, 30 weeks already!?!?!?! Great job on your weight, you'll appreciate that come delivery time. I think it's about time for another belly picture :)