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Friday, March 29, 2013

Kaia's Video Debut!

I just realized that Kaia doesn't have any movies yet! She first rolled over on February 18th, but I still find it thrilling :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy spring!

 So lately I have really been getting into dressing the girls in "matching" outfits! It's so much fun. Also, notice how it is TWICE as hard to take a nice pic of 2 kids as it is to take a nice pic of 1 kid. Grr.

 I just love "baby faces!" Kaia is sticking out her tongue all the time now! We call Sophia and Kaia "the licker sisters!"

 Hopefully it will soon be too warm for Sophia to wear this hooded sweater... although, she loves it so much we'll have to see if summer weather can get her to put it away!

 We had what I hope is our final blizzard on March 18. We received some new snow, but the biggest issue was the wind (gusting up to 50mph!) that made incredible drifts. There are two big roads that I can take to work - a state highway and an interstate, and both were closed. Snow day! The above pic was taken out our front door, where the driveway should be.
 I'm a dork for posting this, but I was so proud of the school snack that I came up with, since Sophia's snack day fell just a few days after St Pat's!

 We celebrated the annual "spring parade" at the academy! This year it was too cold (like 10 degrees) to parade outside on the first day of spring, but the children had a great time putting on their spring bonnets and parading for each other indoors.
 Sophia telling her classmates about what she glued to her bonnet :)

Happy Spring!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Busy Times and Baby Faces!

 We have had something exciting going on every weekend! The weekend after my birthday (late Feb) we were lucky to have a visit from my wonderful parents-in law, Carmen and Ralph!

 The next weekend we went to NDSU's Equine Center to cheer for our friend, Azahna, as she participated in the barrel races! In between races she hung out with my girls... check out Kaia's funny face! :)
 The first weekend in March we decided to have our first little gathering at the new house!
Lots of babies! The above pic is Lilly checking out Kaia... Lilly is the daughter of Travis and Stephanie Nelson (Travis is an old friend of my Travis!)
 In the background is Sarah, the wife of one of Travis' coworkers, with her baby!
 Kaia and Lilly... Lilly is 10 months old! Tiny little thing!
 Our dinner parties always spriral down into drinking and Super Nintendo sessions :) Fun, fun!
 Travis Nelson and our Sophia (who insisted on a dress!)
 Travis' co-worker, Joey, and his wife Sarah with their two older boys
 Stephanie, Sophia, Lilly
 The kids enjoying the Super Nintendo!
 Does Kaia look safe to you??!! Another old friend, Brandon, came over in time for Super Nintendo and beer :)
 Brandon discreetly helping Sophia with her Super Nintendo endeavors :) It was less stress and a lot more fun than I expected! It was so fun to have a little party in our new place! Good times were had by all :)
 Baby faces from the big 5 month old!

 Sophia loves to dress up as a bride :)

 Lots of foot chewing lately! Kaia had a Dr. appointment this last Monday the 11th and her stats were: Height: 25" (42 percentile), Weight: 16 lbs, 13 oz (82 percentile)... she's starting to "even out" and slow down the crazy growth!

 Last Wednesday evening the girls and I joined "Auntie Sharon" (a good family friend and an old NDSU coworker) and my old boss, Janis, from NDSU at Mexican Village for some fun "girl time"... it was so nice to hang out with them! Sophia just adores Sharon! :)
 Last Saturday we went up to Grand Forks for cousin DJ's 6th birthday celebration!
 Oldest cousin, Jaylin, is so good with the little cousins!
 My sister in law, Laura, with the two little babies: her 8 month old son, Hudson, and my huge 5 month old!
 The babies! 1 1/2 year old Ava, Sophia, and Hudson

 All the cousins!

 Sophia and Ava hanging out in the ball pit :)
 DJ and Ava
 Ava such a big girl!!! :)
 Sophia had the time of her life!

 This is the face Sophia makes when she prays :) Not sure why she felt like praying over pizza at a birthday party, but it was super cute!

 The cake!
 The kids!
 DJ is the biggest sweetheart :)
 Sophia and Ava
 Sohpia is quite the puzzle master these days!
 And goofy!
 This is how Travis and Kaia look when they watch a movie... zoned OUT!
 And finally... more baby faces!

 Introducing baby food... disgusting :) Have a great weekend everyone!