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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I am a Warrior!

For weeks I have been mulling over a post that I would like to make about how amazing Travis is and how helpful and wonderful Sophia is. They really are both incredible. This morning, though, I decided to start with how amazing and wonderful and incredible I am! Let's recap all of the things that I am:
1. Mom (twice over)
2. Wife (once over... thank goodness!) haha
3. Full time Veterans Benefit program coordinator for Clay County, MN
4. Marathon runner (even if it's not the whole 26.2 miles! I've only done that once!)
5. Hobby Farmer

Yesterday I...
1. Woke up at 6am. Nursed Kaia, got everything for the day ready, nursed Kaia some more, left for work.
2. Worked 8 hours. This entails meeting clients, completing all their VA paperwork, providing administrative support, and all kinds of miscellaneous. I used my lunch break to call daycare centers to try to figure out childcare for the fall. I had to take two "pumping breaks" and took phone calls and answered emails during those "breaks."
3. Picked up children at 4:45. Nursed Kaia while I played a game with Sophia at her school.
4. Dropped books at the library.
5. At home doing my "single mom thing" because Travis works evenings: Sophia and I both chopped vegetables and made a casserole together. We all had supper (Kaia now sits in a high chair and eats rice cereal!). Sophia and I did 2 puzzles and a small writing project. Then it's dishes, laying out school clothes for the next day, prepping Sophia's backpack, stocking the diaper bag, picking up toys, handwashing the 5 bottles and pump parts, feeding cats and dogs, etc.
6. Then it's the barn chores: I muck stalls (with Kaia slung around my neck in a front-pack carrier) while Sophia stocks the mangers with hay. I haul 5 gallon buckets of water to the barn. Sophia helps me grain and lock up the horses and keep the dogs away from their salt lick (who knew??!!).
7. Then it's getting ready for bed: I bathe both girls, we all read a story together, and the girls are tucked in by about 10 which I KNOW sounds so late, but Travis works nights so we put them to bed late so they'll sleep in with daddy. :) It works for us!
8. I stay up until 11:30 reading up on vaccines because the girls had Dr appointments today.
9. Kaia sleeps in her crib until 3am and then it's off and on nursing until...
10. 5:45am my alarm goes off and I hit the treadmill because I'm getting ready for my first post-Kaia marathon event! (10k during the Fargo Marathon at the end of May). Running is MY thing. It makes me feel like a rock star... I come off that treadmill feeling like a million dollars, with energy to do my crazy day all over again!


Genevieve said...

I love this idea and wow you are busy!! I love reading about what other people's days look like. You get so much done and also spend so much quality time with your girls, that is awesome. I also love how involved they are with the horse care. :) You are such a wonderful mom!

JG said...

Thanks! I guess I was looking for a pat on the back with this post. :) Us moms are like super- heroes! ;D Sometimes I just sit back and think "wow."

Ruth said...

I had to take a nap after reading this! You all are super awesome ;-)