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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 13, 2013

Birthday party, horses, and Eleanor Tortuga Williams!

 Last Thursday we headed out to Dakota Carriage Company for Sophia's friend, Larissa's, birthday party. Loved the cowgirl theme!

 It was a really beautiful evening
 Pony rides! (In case you're wondering, Larissa's family owns a very successful restaurant chain. This wasn't your average birthday party!)
 The birthday girl, on the left :)
 Lots of play equipment for the kiddos
 Kaia was very content to just sit on her blankie and watch all the fun
 Double-saddle sisters!

 Sophia trying the mini-golf. I LOVE how she holds the club; kinda like me! Haha
 Super cute cupcakes with chocolate horses on top... yum! Sophia had a blast at this party.
 We have a horse-crazy neighbor girl who happens to be baby-sitting age so... last weekend I started teaching her to ride in exchange for her babysitting while Travis and I trail ride! Such a nice arrangement!
 Me and Alicia on Margie and Sunny. We are so lucky to have such good, beautiful horses! Alicia and I went for a 2 mile ride, and Sunny was a perfect gentleman for her. And Margie did great!
 Sophia did quite a lot of work with Pepper.
 Her big challenge? Keeping him moving when there is grass around! :)

 Such a cute little pair :)
 Sophia isn't afraid to show him who's boss!
 We went for a long family walk with the dogs and Sophia handled Pepper by herself!

 Back to the grind... I love sharing sunrises with Sophia before school every day!
 Okay, so on Tuesday one of our office volunteers showed up at my office with a turtle he had found in the road. Sophia was delighted! Sophia named her "Eleanor Tortuga Williams." We kept her for 2 days (in an outdoor dog kennel), but Eleanor seemed pretty unhappy. When we checked on her Wed morning she was laying on her back in the dog house and was just seemed droopy. We decided to bring her to Buffalo State Park near our house on Thurs evening and release her!
 Sophia and Kaia getting Eleanor ready for the big release
 I loved hiking at the park with my girls last night. I know this pic is blurry, but we startled a huge, gorgeous crane (?) on the water, saw countless deer, and a ground squirrel close up. Lots of wildlife around at dusk!
 One last cuddle with Eleanor
 Good bye, Eleanor!

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