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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I am the Clay County "Veterans Benefit Program Coordinator" ;)

I have a free minute, so I thought it would be fun to post my job description (and title). I have issues with my lengthy title and its questionable lack of punctuation. It's a catch-all title for a catch-all kind of job! So, for anyone who has ever wondered what it is I officially do all day (you would have to be VERY bored to wonder about this!) here is the official description:

A Veterans Benefits Coordinator requires extensive knowledge of community and government service delivery systems, and knowledge of and ability to interpret and correctly apply laws, rules and regulations; such as those contained in the “38 CFR” (Code of Federal Regulations) and the “M21-1MR” (Compensation and Pension Manual Rewrite), pertaining to veterans’ claims and entitlements, as well as the ability to conduct research and effectively procure evidence for the development of claims.

This position performs Needs Assessments and determines which State, Federal, and non-profit benefits the veteran is entitled to, and performs application for identified entitlements and programs, and provides lifelong case management of the veteran’s benefits pertaining to housing, healthcare, and financial stability. This position also specializes as the case manager for death benefits, burial benefits, and widow’s benefits.
A Veterans Benefits Coordinator must adhere to VA and county data and privacy laws, and is required to complete VA “Training, Responsibility, Involvement, and Preparation of Claims “ (TRIP) training and national NACVSO training in order to be Nationally Accredited; enabling this position to submit and track VA claims electronically. This position will be required to participate in various trainings and workshops throughout the year in order to support the Accreditation requirements and to be able to perform needs assessments and identify all applicable benefits and execute applications for said benefits with the highest level of competency and the greatest success rate possible.  
A Veterans Benefits Coordinator is responsible for training, supporting, and directing the Administrative Assistant position. The Veterans Benefits Coordinator also manages the initial screening, orientation and training and provides oversight for the volunteer staff.
...It's 1 part Administrative Assistant, 2 parts Legal Secretary, and 3 parts Social Worker! I never would have imagined myself doing this kind of work (I was supposed to be a famous writer!), but it has been an incredible experience, and every day is different! I am so grateful to have a challenging and rewarding job... otherwise I don't think I could justify/bear all of the time away from my family. So there it is! I will be issuing quizzes to all my family and besties! (JUST KIDDING) :)

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