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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Irregular Blogging...

Well, I'm not longer working, and so I am no longer spending 8 hours a day in front of a computer. In fact, our personal laptop has a virus so I'm spending virtually no time in front of the computer!
I just wanted to warn all of my blog fans (haha, that's you, Ruth). :D
Of course, I'm finding plenty of other ways to fill my days--like cleaning, napping, walking the dogs, napping, cooking, napping, reading, napping, taking long baths, napping...did I mention I've been napping a lot lately? As lazy as it seems, I think it's justified: every time I roll over I wake up, I wake up every time I have a crazy dream, and I wake up with sore hips about 10 times a night (this is a lot of weight for one little hip to take!). I can't wait to sleep on my back and tummy again...
I will try to update the blog once a week or so, but make no promises. Meanwhile, I'm finally going to give a shout-out to my best friend's blog:
And check back in occasionally...after all, I should start to have very big news very soon!


Unknown said...

Are you really going on hiatus from the blog? But...but...I like reading it so much! Seriously, what will I do now when I'm procrastinating and need a good excuse to go online? Do you know what you're doing to my rather limited and ever-dwindling bag of excuses? WHAT ABOUT ME?! Ha, no no, but I will be sorry to miss the updates, I definitely enjoy hearing how things are going. Enjoy your time off/the final count down to d-day (and feel free to let me know when I win the baby weight/gender/birthday pool...HA! Honestly, I'd be pretty surprised if I was even close...)

Ruth said...


Thanks for endorsing my blog. Inspired by yours.

SOOO close to having your babe. I cannot wait to meet him/her. Yay!

Ruth said...

Hurry up!

I want a pic of romia's (rophia? sonin?) foot sticking out of your tummy!

Can't wait to see you, trav, and the babe!!!!!!!!!! Cause I am coming to visit! Yay!

One wish (visiting you) will be fulfilled. Yet to be fulfilled wishes:
1) You getting a cable for your camera.
2) You getting an internet connection at your house.

JG said...

Haha! Well, Travis now has a new laptop from work that I can use (so, that's like 1/2 a wish granted, Ruth!). Fortunately one of our neighbors has wireless (which I am stealing at the moment) so I can stay in touch occasionally...I would hate to take away your reasons to procrastinate, Julia! :D