Okay, so it seems like everyone wants tummy pictures. Well, here you have it! At 33 weeks and 1 day I am officially about to POP! Interestingly, for the last day or so my poor, shallow belly button has been really sore, and I'm wondering if parts of me are going to literally start popping soon.
At this time I can only stuff my feet into flip-flops and one pair of slides, my ring occasionally cuts off my circulation, I get leg cramps on such a regular basis they don't even faze me anymore, I've developed an extra chin, all my shirts hike up and all my pants fall down, my arches feel bruised, and people treat me like I'm made of glass (that's a good thing!).
On the other hand, I've been feeling very affectionate towards my tummy. I'm constantly rubbing the thing with lotions and cradling "the baby." I've had everyone from my brother to my husband lean down and talk to it, and we've been enjoying the "alien moments" at work when random pieces of the thing bulge out. Travis and I have been feeling the baby more and more. It's awesome and exhausting!
I alternate between feeling fine and wanting my life back. I've been in denial--playing tennis, walking all over, rough-playing, bike-riding, etc.--and that attitude recently rewarded me with my first contraction (when I hopped a curb on the bike). I've also had moments where I am so overcome with love for our unborn baby, and tender feelings for my own tummy, and during those moments I am very serene and gentle with myself and our baby.
At this point I am eager to kiss and cuddle our baby. I want to meet this little person that we've been entrusted with! I know that things will be much harder with our child "on the outside," but I can't help it--I desperately want to begin the next step. 7 more weeks! (Although we all know it's really 6 weeks because I'm having the baby on July 10th).
I BELIEVE! YOU ARE REALLY PREGNANT!!! I love it! You look soooo awesome!
It's also awesome that you have some time off work. Yay. My favorite hobby was sitting on the couch watching my tummy move. Like for hours. Try it--it is so fun! And you will miss being pregnant. I was going to say "it is easier to take care of them on the inside then out" but I guess you have heard that already. It's true though! And remember, you could be two weeks overdue . . . that makes it 10 more weeks? Just kidding! We will see this little guy/gal soon I am sure. Love ya!
PS. No more bike riding.
Hi niece Jennifer!! and nephew Travis :) Yep, you are having a baby boy, and I am going to get a package ready for you of some of my old things(the ones that are in good condition of course)and some new things as well. Where are you registered? OH, I do miss the two of you dearly...I cannot wait to be called uncle-uncle :) and have fun with you at Disney :)
I love you..
Uncle Scott
Wow! A comment from Uncle Scott!
I can't WAIT to do all the fun "family things" like Disney! Travis and I are getting more and more excited--it's getting so close! Who knows if it's a boy or a girl...the elderly woman that I walk with claims that she has no doubt I'm carrying a girl. I guess we'll find out soon enough!
Ruth, I am NOT having this baby late! :D
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