Well, I hit a milestone today and decided that it should go down in history! Then I thought maybe I would add a few more remarks on the pregnancy thus far. Here is goes:
1. My ultra, mega 14.5 weeks pregnancy milestone: Today I am wearing maternity pants for the first time! :) I am so glad that I kept my bigger clothes from my last pregnancy, because I've been able to get away with "normal clothes" for the entire first trimester. At this point my size 10 pants are still very comfortable, and most of my size 8's are also good (and even one weirdly sized 6!), but I "outgrew" my only pair of work khakis many weeks ago. Today I decided that I was tired of not having khakis in my closet, so I busted out maternity khakis! No maternity shirts yet, though. That would really be throwing in the towel!
2. I had my 2nd prenatal appointment on Friday the 13th. I have gained exactly 5 pounds since my annual exam back in October (back when I was still marathon training!), and I'm just fine with that.
3. When I was pregnant with Sophia I was paranoid about everything. I knew in my heart that she was a delicate little girl, and I coddled her even in the womb. This baby? I feel like this baby is TOUGH. I have the feeling this baby will be bigger and stronger. I feel like it's either a boy or a major tomboy. I haven't switched to organic shampoo, I'm not making flaxseed fruit shakes every morning, and I even use bugspray with DEET. I feel like this baby can handle it!
4. This pregnancy is different, but many of the symptoms are the same. I get the most terrible headaches. My skin is going crazy; which includes zits on my back (?!) and hands SO dry that they're covered in little scabby things. My sinuses are also starting to go crazy, just like they did with Sophia. I also craved spicey foods with both pregnancies; like mustart full of horseradish and jalapenos. BUT, so far I don't crave the sweets that I wanted with Sophia. I think that's helping my weight!
5. Current Cravings: Jalapenos on everything!!! During the entire 1st trimester I ate mostly sandwiches: avocado, jalapenos, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese on whole wheat bread. Yum. I'm not a fan of greasy food right now. The only way I really enjoy our weekly pizza is if it's smothered in jalapenos. I've also been craving fruit: apple juice, pears, strawberries, and Edy's natural strawberry popsicles are the biggies. I have not been crazy about chocolate or my usual fave, Ben and Jerry's ice cream. That's a big dietary shift for me! Also, for about 2 months, I could not stand tomato sauce (pizza, pasta, etc.). That took a big bite out of our vegetarian options! Luckily I seem to be over that, but it's still not my favorite.
6. My energy is coming back, but I still crash and burn. I haven't picked up a book since about 6 weeks. I fall into bed every night! Magazines are the only thing keeping my foot in the literary world!
7. I CAN'T SLEEP!!! The weird, vivid dreams are letting up, but I still can't catch a break. It's mostly the bladder issue, but I also just can't get comfortable anymore. I'm also just sleeping more lightly than usual. Every time Travis turns over or a cat meows I'm awake and ready for action!
8. Another note from my prenatal appt on the 13th: We had a hard time picking up the heart beat, which I don't remember ever happening with Sophia. My CNM's nursing student tried to pick up the baby's heart with the doppler. She tried and tried, but all we heard was a weird whooshing sound. I asked what was wrong and they both started laughing and said the baby was moving so much she couldn't nail it's heart beat. Then the CNM tried, and, after several minutes, he finally managed to pick it up. It's a wiggler for sure!