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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Catching up... photo dump!

Hello there! Well we have moved! Unfortunately, there isn't any internet at the new place (yet) so I'm woefully behind on the blog. I was hoping to post the 9 million new pics on my carmera today, but it's time to pick Sophia up from school and the public library internet was just too slow. Instead of saving the post for later I thought I'd throw out what I managed to get done today... here is part 1 of the photo dump!
 More sister snuggles! (Sorry, this is like a month old!)

We had our first family day in the park when Kaia was 4 days old. This was also our last time playing in the park by our Moorhead house!
 Sophia wanted me to dance with her on the play equipment :)


 And baby faces! Hopefully more pics (like LOTS more!!!) coming soon :)

 Oops... these were from our day in the park. I'm not sure why they ended up down here! I can't wait to have normal internet again! (Someday)

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Oh my, soooo adorable. And look at you, out dancing 4 days post birth! You're amazing. Looking forward to more picts, can't wait to see the house. Do you love it?