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Monday, June 23, 2014

4H Practice Show etc.

 We found a meadow lark in our front yard last week! He was sooo pretty!!
 We had some bad storms last week. I think this one rolled through on Wednesday. It's always fun to watch them LEAVE out over the prairie. :) The storm in these pics actually made funnel clouds and generated tornado warnings in the town (Barnesville) 10 mi south of us. More storms coming this week... it's the season!
 The weekend weather cleared beautifully! Sophia had her pre-4H horse show in Barnesville all day Saturday. Our friends and fellow 4H family, the Olsons, even came out to cheer for Sophia during her barrel race! This was a GREAT show with a wonderful visiting judge who gave lots of great tips. Sophia tried many events: showmanship (halter), horsemanship, barrels, keyhole, pole weaving, and jumping figure 8. As a Cloverbud 4Her she is required to be on a leadline, but it was a very slack line and she did much of the reining. I was very proud of Sophia for being VERY confident and kicking Sunny like crazy... I was always cautious about running too fast with them, but Sophia just wanted to go FASTER! We ended up placing 1st or 2nd in all the timed games!
 Resting in the truck between events. :) it was a long day! We were at the show 9am to 4pm.
 We only got pics from one event: pole weaving.
 Look at mom go! :)
Aaaaand... more flooding. This has been a crazy year! This is the road I usually take to work. We were tempted to try to cross the water, but then noticed there was quite a current, so we turned around! Hoping to dry out soon!!!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Oh wow. You have just gorgeous scenery pictures that I love to look at, but there's no way I'd want to deal with those storms, too scary! Way to go Sophia! 1st and 2nd is amazing. Guess we should say "Way to go Jen!" since you did all the running ;)