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Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Pregnancy Brain"

At 9 weeks pregnant I am definitely exhibiting some classic symptoms. I feel nauseated constantly (it's like being hungover for weeks and weeks!). I'm exhausted. I have the classic digestive system symptoms that shouldn't be shared on a blog. I can no longer comfortably wear my "skinny clothes" (not even my tailored work jacket! But that's mostly because I can't button the top). I cry all the time. I have weird food aversions (I can no longer stand tortilla chips and salsa, which have always been my biggest weakness! I can't stand chocolate either! I don't care for pizza! WEIRD!) and just a few cravings (sandwiches, and jalapenos on everything, which really makes no sense given the digestive symptoms). I also definitely have the heightened sense of smell. I'm thirsty all the time AND pee all the time. I also have very lucid dreams, which is another common pregnancy symptom. I'll wake up from a dream feeling very emotionally attached to it... often I dream about old friends and wake up thinking "I have to call him/her TODAY!" I can remember my dreams in vivid detail, which isn't very normal for me!
So, yes, my life has already changed quite a bit. Things are different. I have to say, though, that the most MADDENING pregnancy symptom--even worse than the nausea--is the dreaded "PREGNANCY BRAIN." This is not a "pretend symptom." It's mentioned in my pregnancy books and it's all over the internet and it has me in its grasp! So, not only do I feel touchy and sick and just plain weird, but I feel like I'm losing my mind on top of it all! I've recently decided that I need to lighten up and laugh at these moments (instead of always indulging in crying and nervous breakdowns!), and I've decided to share a few:
1. Yesterday was our day to bring in "school snack." Normally I plan a week or two in advance for this and bring something really fun for the kids. This month I totally forgot and so yesterday Travis had to run to the store for string cheese, carrots, and raisins. Ugh.
2. Forget about paying bills on time... thank God I have most of the bills set up as auto-deduct payments!
3. Speaking of bills, last month I misspelled Sophia's Academy's name on the tuition check. So I wrote a different check. But, of course, I sent both checks in to the school, and got a phone call from a very confused school director.
4. Travis took the dogs to the groomer on Friday. Which I had known about for days. But I still took the Blazer to work (the dogs won't fit in the Taurus). He had to drive to my work and swap cars. Oops!
5. I'm hopeless in the grocery store. I always forget 10 things even WITH a list, and even with the 10 things ON the list! I've had vanilla extract on my list for about 3 weeks now.
6. The library is making an incredible amount of money from me.
7. I had a Netflix movie ready to mail, in it's envelope and sitting out for 2 weeks before I managed to put it in the mailbox.
8. I can't remember anything I've worked on with my clients. I hate when someone calls to check on the status of a claim/grant/whatever and I can't get into his/her electronic file fast enough to pretend I know what he/she is talking about!
9. I often take my prenatal vitamin at 2am, because that's when I remember it!

*I'll keep adding to this list as I think of things... of course, with my "Pregnancy Brain," I'm probably forgetting a whole bunch of stuff!

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